Fruits Name in Hindi and English
Fruits, a delectable gift from nature, are not only packed with essential nutrients but also carry a vibrant array of flavors that tantalize our taste buds. Having a grasp of fruits’ names in both Hindi and English not only aids communication but also enriches our knowledge about the world around us. This article serves as a comprehensive guide, presenting an extensive compilation of fruits name in Hindi and English. It categorizes them under different types and seasons, making it easy to identify and enjoy these flavorful treasures.
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1. Fruits Name in Hindi and English
As a foundation for our journey through the world of fruits, this section offers a list of commonly known fruits and their corresponding names in Hindi and English. This comprehensive list ensures that you can quickly identify and refer to these fruits, no matter the context.
Here is a list of commonly known fruits names in Hindi and English:
Hindi | English |
आम | Mango |
सेब | Apple |
केला | Banana |
अंगूर | Grapes |
संतरा | Orange |
अनार | Pomegranate |
नासपति | Pineapple |
अदरक | Ginger |
नाशपाती | Pear |
तरबूज | Watermelon |
किवी | Kiwi |
तरबूज | Muskmelon |
अमरूद | Guava |
लीची | Lychee |
अंजीर | Fig |
कटहल | Jackfruit |
पपीता | Papaya |
कश्मीरी सेब | Apricot |
नारियल | Coconut |
मल्टा | Sweet Lime |
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2. Winter Fruits Name in Hindi and English
During the winter months, certain fruits bring warmth and comfort to our lives. These fruits possess qualities that make them ideal for consumption in colder temperatures. The provided table lists a variety of winter fruits, enhancing your understanding of the fruits available during this season.
Embrace the winter months with these heartwarming fruits:
Hindi | English |
अंगूर | Grapes |
संतरा | Orange |
अदरक | Ginger |
सेब | Apple |
सेब की लाइट | Quince |
नाशपाती | Pear |
मौसमी | Sweet Lime |
मोरबा | Mulberry |
अनार | Pomegranate |
बेर | Indian Jujube |
किन्नू | Kinnow |
जामुन | Java Plum |
सीताफल | Custard Apple |
गुड़ | Jaggery |
सफेद अंगूर | White Grapes |
मुन्नका | Black Raisins |
गांधारज | Persimmon |
बेर | Barberry |
लक्टू | Sapodilla |
लीची | Lychee |
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3. Summer Fruits Name in Hindi and English
Summer is synonymous with refreshment, and nothing beats the heat quite like juicy summer fruits. This section highlights a collection of fruits that thrive in the hot weather, offering not only flavor but also hydration and energy.
Revel in the coolness of summer with these refreshing fruits:
Hindi | English |
आम | Mango |
केला | Banana |
तरबूज | Watermelon |
कटहल | Jackfruit |
ताजा नारियल | Fresh Coconut |
तरबूज | Muskmelon |
बेल | Wood Apple |
तौसी | Cucumber |
तरबूज | Crenshaw Melon |
खरबूजा | Cantaloupe |
अंगूर | Grape |
फ़लसेब | Persimmon |
चीकू | Sapota |
पपीता | Papaya |
ग्रेप फ्रूट | Grapefruit |
केला | Plantain |
जाम | Rose Apple |
फ़लसेब | Persimmon |
संतरा | Mandarin Orange |
आँवला | Indian Gooseberry |
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4. Dry Fruits Name in Hindi and English
While fresh fruits are a treat, dry fruits have their own charm. Packed with concentrated nutrients, they are perfect for snacking and enhancing various dishes. The dry fruits table showcases a selection of these nutrient-rich bites.
Elevate your snacking game with these nutritious dry fruits:
Hindi | English |
किशमिश | Raisins |
बादाम | Almonds |
अखरोट | Walnut |
काजू | Cashew |
मुनक्का | Dates |
खजूर | Dates |
मूंगफली | Peanut |
अन्जीर | Fig |
सूखी खुबानी | Dried Apricot |
मगज | Melon Seeds |
पिस्ता | Pistachio |
तिल | Sesame Seeds |
खरबूजा बीज | Pumpkin Seeds |
अखरोट | Pecan |
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5. Seasonal Fruits Name in Hindi and English
Different seasons bring forth distinct fruits, each with its own unique taste and benefits. The seasonal fruits subheadings provide insights into the fruits that flourish during different times of the year, allowing you to make the most of each season’s offerings.
a. Spring Fruits
Enjoy the variety of flavors each season brings with these fruits:
Hindi | English |
स्ट्रॉबेरी | Strawberry |
अंजीर | Fig |
कीवी | Kiwi |
केला | Banana |
तरबूज | Watermelon |
आम | Mango |
सेब | Apple |
लीची | Lychee |
नाशपाती | Pear |
अमरूद | Guava |
अंगूर | Grapes |
बेर | Indian Jujube |
संतरा | Orange |
मल्टा | Sweet Lime |
सीताफल | Custard Apple |
b. Monsoon Fruits
Here is a list of commonly known monsoon fruits names in Hindi and English:
Hindi | English |
जामुन | Java Plum |
लीची | Lychee |
ताजा नारियल | Fresh Coconut |
जलपरी | Water Apple |
आम | Mango |
तरबूज | Watermelon |
जाम | Rose Apple |
पेचक | Peach |
कीवी | Kiwi |
सेब | Apple |
c. Autumn Fruits
Here is a list of commonly known Autumn fruits names in Hindi and English:
Hindi | English |
पपीता | Papaya |
अंजीर | Fig |
सेब | Apple |
अंगूर | Grapes |
नाशपाती | Pear |
सन्ना अंगूर | Sultana Grapes |
सेब की लाइट | Quince |
कश्मीरी सेब | Apricot |
अमरूद | Guava |
किवी | Kiwi |
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6. Fruits for Health and Nutrition
Fruits aren’t just delightful to the taste buds; they also contribute significantly to our health and well-being. Rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and dietary fiber, fruits play a pivotal role in maintaining a balanced diet. Incorporating a variety of fruits into your daily intake can boost your immune system, improve digestion, and contribute to overall vitality.
7. Culinary Uses of Fruits
Beyond their raw consumption, fruits are versatile ingredients in the culinary world. They add natural sweetness and vibrant colors to a wide array of dishes, ranging from salads and desserts to savory sauces and beverages. Exploring the culinary uses of fruits can inspire creativity in your kitchen.
8. National Fruits of 25 Countries
Fruits hold cultural and symbolic significance in many societies. They are often associated with festivals, rituals, and traditional practices. Learning about the cultural importance of fruits in different parts of the world can provide insights into diverse beliefs and customs.
Serial Number | Country | National Fruit |
1 | United States | Apple |
2 | China | Kiwi |
3 | India | Mango |
4 | Brazil | Pineapple |
5 | Russia | Apple |
6 | Japan | Peach |
7 | Indonesia | Durian |
8 | Pakistan | Mango |
9 | Nigeria | Banana |
10 | Bangladesh | Jackfruit |
11 | Mexico | Avocado |
12 | Philippines | Mango |
13 | Egypt | Date Palm |
14 | Ethiopia | Banana |
15 | Vietnam | Dragon Fruit |
16 | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Banana |
17 | Turkey | Fig |
18 | Iran | Pomegranate |
19 | Germany | Apple |
20 | Thailand | Durian |
21 | France | Apple |
22 | United Kingdom | Apple |
23 | Italy | Grape |
24 | South Africa | Guava |
25 | Myanmar | Lychee |
Final Thought
Understanding the names of fruits in Hindi and English is a gateway to appreciating their immense diversity and value. Whether you’re enjoying the juiciness of a summer mango or savoring the richness of a winter orange, each fruit brings a unique experience to your plate. So, delve into the world of fruits, relish their flavors, and unlock the nutritional and cultural treasures they offer.